Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 30 - Windshield wipers slap in time

Well, here we are at the end of the month. I missed one day, not sure why, and had only one day with no real discernible music, so a relatively successful run.

Today’s song has been solo all morning. Nothing diluting it and still in my head as I type.  I have to admit, I was not a fan of this singer in my youth when this song was popular. I really didn't get her vibe, but man, this chick can belt out. A similar sad tale to Amy Winehouse. A great voice lost too early.

“Me and Bobby McGee” by Janis Joplin

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 29 - I never meant to cause you any trouble

Woke up a bit earlier this morning and things were more subdued. Got a few meetings today and that was on my mind, but there it was in the background..... oooooooh ooh ooh ooh... ooooh ooh ooh ohh

“Purple Rain” by Prince

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28 - battle of the tunes

Today started off strong with the eventual winner, but at one point, there were four very different songs vying for the top position. Fat Lip from Sum 41 again, then Rosanna by Toto, and Once In a Lifetime by the Talking Heads

The winner for today?

“Used To Like” by Neon Trees

Monday, April 27, 2020

April 27 - Hold me closer Tony Danza

Another Monday, another week of shelter in place. This is getting old.

Actually had two songs vying to become the final song of the morning to day and they couldnt have been much different

First is an alternative pop punk kind of screw you tune by a band who I believe is a one hit wonder (at least to me)

“Fat Lip” by Sum 41

The other is one of those songs everybody knows with the running joke that the singer is saying Tony Danza, which of course he is not. Its actually right there in the title

“Tiny Dancer” by Elton John

Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 26 - you met another...

Growing up in the 70s, there were a few traditions. One of them was watching the bumbling country folk variety show named after the sound of a donkey braying.

Yea I watched Hee Haw. So did you. Admit it.

Most shows, this short tune showed up, and became a favorite. The posting says this was the first version shown

“Pfft, You Were Gone” by Archie Campbell

Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 25 - More bell bottoms

Not surprising, since I grew up in the 70s and 80s, but another hit from the 70s earwormed its way in this morning. 

Shining Star by 🌍 💨 and 🔥 

Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24 - It means no worries..

Here’s one I wouldn't expect.. I remember a few songs floating in and out,  but can’t remember what they were specifically. Then Timon and Pumbaa show up. Who doesn’t love those two guys

It’s a trouble free philosophy..........

Hakuna Matata from the Lion King

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22 - Surprised it took this long

There are lots of iconic songs and bands in this world. Last night’s tribute to Prince is a prime example. So many good songs from that uber-talented artist over his storied career. Sad he’a not around anymore.

Another iconic band came out of Sweden in the 70s

Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad


And this is one of their best known songs

“Take A Chance On Me”

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 21 - another radio mix

Startng around 5 AM I was in and out of consciousness and had a few songs bopping around

Started with thus current tune

Novocaine by The Unlikely Candidates

Followed by this classic from Herb Alpert, who Lisa and I saw last year. Great show

“A Taste Of Honey”

This stuck around for a while to be replaced with the final song (which I don’t love btw)

“Live In The Moment” by Portugal the Man

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20 - I beg your pardon

Wow. Where has the time gone?. April 20 already. How fricking long have we been sheltering in place now? This is definitely the longest it’s  been since I’ve been on an airplane in the past 12 years and isn't letting up for at least another two weeks. Weird.

Had a multitude of songs pop in and out today, But this tune from my early youth won the spot of sticking in my head.

“(I Never Promised You A) Rose Garden” by Lynn Anderson

Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 19 - Nobody puts Baby in a corner

Happy Sunday. Hope your weekend is going well and you’re safe and sound.p without too much stir craziness

Todays tune is well known to Dirty Dancing fans

(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes

Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 18 - Michael was a cute kid

Welcome to the weekend. The days continue to blur as we adjust to what seems to be the new normal

The first noticeable song playing this morning was an instrumental or sorts. The theme song to the Dick Van Dyke show. (People - including me - think my Dad resembles DVD).  Did you know there were three versions of Rob Petrie’s entrance into the house? See below. Might need to watch it more than once to see the differences clearly, but in the first one he tumbles over the ottoman, in the second he misses it completely and in the third he misses but still stumbles

But I digress. Shortly into my waking, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael showed up with this classic. Lisa and I were on a cruise once that Tito was on. never actually saw him other than on stage, never mind met him, but.......

“I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5

Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17 - late comer

Totally missed yesterday. Not sure why.

I woke up today around 6. No discernible known music in my head. Maybe a brain induced harmony of some sort, but nothing recognizable until Ed and the boys showed up

“I Alone” by Live

Here is the official video (hit the link. Youtube embedded wouldn't pull the video for some reason)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15 - Tax day. Oh wait...

As you probably know, today is normally tax day, but with COVID-19 messing everything up, the IRS is no exception  have extended filing until June 15. Enjoy the extra two months.

Woke up around 5 this morning. Hate when that happens. And nothing but voices and conversations flooding my noggin u til this crept in. If you were playing Beat Shazam and got this as your million Dollar Song bet you'd get the title wrong and lose. I would

“Reach Out (I’ll Be There)” by The Four Tops

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 14 - almost didn't have any

Seemed like today was gonna be another random gibberish of noise. I was in and out or consciousness for about an hour and seemed like the noise sin my head were gonna be more conversational than musical today. Finally, this Britpop one hit wonder popped into my head

“Shattered Dreams” by Johnny Hates Jazz

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13 - 70s to 30s overnight

Strange weather. Haven't had much of a winter this year. Two days ago it was almost 90F. Beautiful 70s yesterday after a nice thunderstorm.Woke up today? 35F but I digress

I think I heard this song the other day for the first time in a long time.

Not sure what the writers fascination with 16 yo girls is. Bennie Mardonez had another example, but this one is in the title.

Original version sung by Johnny Burnette in 1960 and remade by Ringo Starr in the 70s. You decide

“You’re Sixteen”

Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 12 - On a journey

He is risen! Happy Easter everybody. Kinda sucks we can’t be together to celebrate this most holy of days, the commemoration of Christ defeating death and saving us all. Remember, without Easter, Christmas is just another day.

An oldie but goodie that popped in and out this morning

“Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin” by Journey

Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 11 - incoherence

No tunes today, kids. Just random noises not tied to any specifically identifiable tunage. Thus no video either.

Perhaps tomorrow

As my great grandmother used to say “Appia East” everybody

Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10 Eclectic Radio Mix

This song has been around for a while and I never really thought about it much. It was the last in a string of songs that played like an eclectic radio list in my head

I woke around three with “You fill up my senses” by John Denver. Thankfully that was replaced rather quickly by “Black Velvet” by Alannah Myles, then “Honky Cat” by Elton John, then “Mad World” by Tears for Fears. Finally this song showed up and stuck around

“Long Way Down” by Robert Delong. This is the radio edit version. The album cut has some language and theres an official video of that version, but this is a family show, so.....

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 9 - He doesn’t look a thing like....

While I like this band, this is not my favorite song, but it sticks

When You Were Young by The Killers

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8 - Stylin

Don’t really have a story about this one. Heard it on the radio the other day and sang along (including the falsetto). So smooth. So 70s

You Make me Feel Brand New by the Stylistics

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7 - Store-bought woman

Growing up, my parents had certain albums and artists they played on the 6 album changer stereo when friends came over. Those songs would play as I was lulling to sleep 💤 and I got to the point of memorizing entire albums.  That has faded as I have grown older, but some of those songs pop back in every once in a while. This guy was a favorite of my parents back in the 70s and this song popped up this morning

Cracklin’ Rosie by Neil Diamond

Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6 - Marvin for Monday

Was songless until right when I woke up and Marvin showed up

Lets Get it On by Marvin Gaye

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 5 - London 0, Hull 2

My buddy Chip posted this to Facebook yesterday and as earworms like this do, it got stuck in my noggin all night.

Happy Hour by the Housemartins

Saturday, April 4, 2020

April 4 - hoping for the title to be true

Lots of tunes floating around today. Stuff I’ve listened to lately, others from artists I don’t  listen to regularly. But maybe it was because of his recent passing that this one played over and over this morning.

Leta hope the title brings us the same

Lovely Day by Bill Withers

Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3 - this is for you Coronavirus

I thought we were gonna have a day off today. Woke up around 4 with nada in my head. Doesn't truly happen much. Does occasionally.

Then this popped into my bead. Been hearing bit here or there and really dig the sonic qualities. There a few  covers including yesterday's referenced Red Sun Rising, but this is the original and once again (if taken put of context) a bit apt for the situation we are in. At least the title


Uninvited but Alanis Morrisette

Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 2. - dedicate one to my lady

I, like most of you, have had a lot on my mind lately. When this happens I typically end up waking up multiple times during the night and multiple times in the morning. Tends to not be restful sleep. Last night was one of those nights.

To go along with multiple wake up times there were multiple songs that were bopping around.

The first was this classic by a huge band from Chicagoland: “Somewhere I Belong” by Linkin Park

Actually the last time I woke up was this ditty from a band most people haven't heard about that I stumbled across on an airplane of all places via a flight on AA. I had heard this song earlier in the day so it was a bit of a latent earworm, lying wait: “The Otherside” by Red Sun Rising

But the song that occupied my head for the majority of the night and initial waking period was this smooth gem from one of Paul Wellers bands post Jam. I’ve always dug this tune and even still have the vinyl from my college days. I dedicate this to my wife of almost 29 years. I know I dont say it enough, but the title is apt for how I feel. I am happy to present and mean with all my ❤️: “You’re The Best Thing” by The Style Council

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

I'm baaaaaaaaaack April 1 - Cringe

Miss me? Weird its been 6 and a half years since I did this last.

Since we are all sheltering in pace these days and I have time on my hands I decided to resurrect this blog for the Month of April 2020.

For those unfamiliar with the concept, Most days (not all it seems) i Wake with as song in my head. Sometimes more than one, sometimes stuff I like, other times, not so much. This blog is my attempt to document this morning tunage

I had a couple songs floating around in my head this AM, but the primary one seems apropos for the current state we are in.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Cringe by Matt Maeson