Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16 - another Monday.....

Back to the grind. Nise to the grindstone, or whatever that phrase is. Either way, it's back to work after a quick trip to Stillwater to see the firstborn. Funtime. Noticed the tires were low on the sequoia, so used the cigarette lighter based compressor to get them back up to normal pressure and in the processs found out the battery was dead (we think). After a few back and forths with AAA who sold us the battery, we arranged to have it towed to Firestone for a checkout. Haven't heard yet if its the battery or alternator, or.......

Anyway, today's song reminds me that some people in this world don't have to deal with this kinda stuff and others have it much worse.

Royals by Lorde

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