Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14 - rat in a cage

So I decided to make beer yesterday. Nothing new there you say. OK. Mash is done, Sparge is done, 7.5 gallons of 13 Brix goodness is in the boil kettle ready to be transformed into Black Number 1 (pending name). All is well in the world. 60 minute hops are in, 30 minute hops are in, 15 minute hops are in 5 minute hops are in. Whats that smell? Uh oh. Rain. What? I'm not done yet. I still have to cool this all down and get i into the fermenter. Wind picks up uh oh. Coming in sooner....

Find an umbrella stand and umbrella (we have extras) and moved everything under the cover of the big brolly including all the electrical connections (water and electricity don't play nice kids) for the pumps I am using.

JUST IN TIME. Downpour.

Despite all my rage (and being somewhat soaking wet), I get the 5.5 gallons of wort chilled (thanks to my new wort chiller and re-circulation wand/pump combo) and the rain stops. 5 1/4 gallons onto a yeast cake I already had from "Ryders on the Steam" I made last month and off we go.....

What does this have to do with morning songs you say?

I give you Bullet with Butterfly Wings from the Smashing Pumpkins. Listen to the words.

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