Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 31 - a twofer

Awoke at 3:30 this AM to this fine ditty from my formative years:

Crazy on You by Heart

Then this morning, this new music was in my head. I actually had to look up the name of the song as again, not one of my favorites, but much much better than "run-around" I got stuck with yesterday

No One Knows by Queens of the Stone Age:

August 30 - Day 1

Today's song is one of those that I am not particularly fond of, but somehow crept its way into my psyche.

Runaround by Blues Traveler.

What's this all about?

For some time now, I have noticed a, possibly, strange occurrence when I awake from a slumber. Most, if not every, mornings when I wake up, there is a song in my head. You know one you hear over and over again. Can;t seem to figure out why that particular song is playing over, and over, and oooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr. You get the idea.

Sometimes the songs are songs that I really like, sometimes songs I actually do not like very much, sometimes old, sometimes current, sometimes hte same song more than one day in a row, but mostly they tend to change day to day, and even waking cycle to waking cycle (i.e wake up in the middle of the night and one song, wake up that morning and another). And sometimes there is nothing at all.

This will be an attempt to track these sometimes mundane tunes that awake each day with me.

And so I present the Soundtrack to Geep's life